Emerging trends in technology that can benefit advertising!

This past week i had the pleasure of hearing guest speaker, Brandon Schuster, speak on the “Emerging Trends” that are taking over the world of advertising. He spoke with such emphasis on 3 specific trends – which are AR, VR, and 360. Never heard of them? Don’t worry, i got it covered.

First of all, let me start by saying that it is such an exciting time to be in our field because of all the technology that makes what we do even BETTER. With just these 3 different trends, we see how interactive and engaging they are and how they will benefit your company. So what is AR, VR, and 360? Let’s discuss:

AR (Known as Augmented Reality) involves combining digital components with reality. The first thing that popped into my head was Snapchat. Snapchat has configured a perfect way for us to use AR. Whenever we add a filter and flip the camera, suddenly our “reality” is now skewed and has many digital components which make the interaction more memorable and entertaining. Another platform that has used AR to their benefit is Pokemon-Go! We saw first hand the phenomenon that took over the app store, and their main key component was AR.

Now, Virtual Reality or VR is the capability to plunge into a whole new world altogether. I am excited to see this being used more in the future and want to see how people interact with in a mass wave. You literally create the world around you. That is amazing.

Lastly, I wanted to talk about 360. This is a visual tool that you can use to showcase a 3D virtual version of somewhere in real life.This is a stationary component and can be cinematic as well. 360 adds more depth than any picture can and it can be viewed well on manly outlets like Facebook.

After looking through 3 fascinating pieces of technology, let’s try and add a real life example. We’re going to use a company called Decks & Docks Lumber Co. In my opinion, i think that the best outlet this company can take advantage of is 360. I think it would be cool to have people be able to see completed docks, from a 360 view, and make choices based on that. They can also use it to show where they gather their supplies, so people know they have the best quality. 360 would give Decks & Docks an edge to let people know what they can do and what they have done.


As always: Stay fly, Stay educated!

Chacka! Chacka! Chacka!

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Greetings all my lovely readers! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend and an even better start to your week. In this post, i will be discussing my recent visit to Chacka Marketing with other students in the Zimmerman School of Advertising , what I learned and how it all relates back to advertising.

On top of their building being super chic and modern, Chacka Marketing‘s employees were outstandingly informative and super chill. Chacka is a digital media agency, that focuses on everything from social media, to programmatic buying. Their philosophy on how they view their clients is what really intrigued me. At Chacka Marketing, they view their client interactions as a partnership. This is really important to me. If a brand is entrusting your company to help them grow, their success is JUST if not more important to YOUR own growth and results.

While we were there, the employees of Chacka has us do an exercise that was a self-audit of ourselves. We were to list our strengths, weaknesses, traits and skills. We were also suppose to circle if we were wanted to be a creative or work in media. Although i circled media, i am honestly still not sure. I am still very interested in becoming an Account Executive for an agency. Below i have attached a picture of MY personal self-audit. Having to decide what I THINK my strengths and weaknesses were was a challenge.

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I came to the conclusion that my weaknesses seemed to be contradictory of each other so i think i will explain: I am impatient when it comes to needing something from other people, but i procrastinate my own work at times. I am currently in the process of trying to fix those weakness as i type ( 3 hours before the deadline, haha).

I look forward to being able to adjust my strengths, weaknesses, traits and skills as I advance in my education and field work. I want to be able to look back and know that i have grown as an advertising professional. It is important in this field to continue learning and growing, and without a little self-audit here and there, you won’t be able to fully recognize what it is you bring to the table, or what you may need to work on.


As always, friends: Stay Fly, stay educated.


What UX means for us advertisers:




Greetings, all! I hope everyone has had a great weekend followed by an even better week.

This week we are going to be discussing the importance of UX and what UX means for us advertisers. To start off, UX, according to Nielsen Norman Group, is User Experience. They go on to include that, “[t]rue user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features. In order to achieve high-quality user experience in a company’s offerings there must be a seamless merging of the services of multiple disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design.”

Last week my class had a guest speaker who went into detail about UX and i think the definition that Nielsen and Norman Group gave was spot on. User experience is really going above and beyond just giving customers a user friendly experience on the surface, it should mean from the time someone opens your webpage to the moment they turn off their computer, their experience was efficient, pleasant and easy.

An article, written by Sean McGowan, named “Advertising And UX: A Complex Relationship“, states how typical ads disrupt the flow of users and their experience. We all know how annoying pop-up ads are, or when you click a link and an ad is shown before you see what you were trying to. They realized that UX and advertising may seem like opposite ends of the spectrum – but in reality they go hand-in-hand. McGowan explains that “it is important to recognise the relationship between advertising and user experience. While they seem incompatible, their forces combined can benefit both sides: for the marketer, a more engaging, effective ad, and for the designer, a more relevant, helpful user experience.”

Advertisers must realize the importance of UX; especially if they want to compete with streaming services that people pay for STRICTLY to not have to view ads!


As always: Stay Fly, Stay Educated

3 content generated ads/posts for Decks and Docks Lumber Co.

Hey there, public domain! Hope all is going well in the world wide web. Below i have attached three different ads/social media posts that could be possible content for Decks and Docks as assigned by our amazing guest speaker last week. She actually had a lot of insight regarding: where to post, when to post and who you are reaching within each social medium. I also liked that she had tips for the fundamentals test!


Hope you enjoyed the pictures and as always: Stay fly, Stay educated.

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